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Edward W. Taylor

Edward W Taylor

Edward W. Taylor, emeritus professor of lifelong learning and adult education at Penn State University–Harrisburg (1999-2017), is renowned worldwide for his prolific and impactful contributions to adult education. His extensive body of work, which includes 45 refereed journal articles, two books, six edited volumes, and 23 book chapters, has cemented his reputation as a leading scholar in the field. Taylor is particularly well-known for his groundbreaking research on transformative learning—a process through which individuals undergo a significant shift in their perspective or worldview. His expertise has taken him around the globe as a keynote speaker, scholar-in-residence, and consultant.

Taylor’s most significant contribution to adult education is his development and critique of transformative learning theory (TL). His scholarship is heavily focused TL, and he has published several key works. Notable among them are The Handbook of Transformative Learning (2012) co-edited with Patricia Cranton and Transformative Learning in Practice (2009) co-edited with Jack Mezirow. His research has explored not only adult education but has also ventured into related fields. He has collaborated with international scholars on a wide range of topics, including Farmer Field Schools in Kenya and Uganda, medical education, economics, environmental education and sustainability initiatives in Costa Rica.

Another area that Taylor had a great passion for was the study of nonformal adult education within cultural institutions (e.g, libraries, zoos, museums, parks, arboretums). Despite the omnipresence of these sites of learning they often have resided on the margins of the profession, particularly concerning adult learning processes and best practices. A notable published book in this area was Teaching in Public Places.

Throughout his career, Taylor has brought increased attention to the field of adult education and lifelong learning. His work has been cited over 17,000 times by scholars worldwide. As coeditor of Adult Education Quarterly, the premier journal in the field, from 2006 to 2011 Taylor played a pivotal role in enhancing its international reputation.

In addition to his scholarly work, Taylor has mentored numerous colleagues and doctoral students. He has supervised more than 35 doctoral dissertations in adult education and actively participated in national and international boards related to transformative learning. Taylor's service includes roles on committees such as Adult Education Research Conference, Commission of Professors of Adult Education focused on research and publication, as well as extensive work in faculty development at various universities in Italy and other parts of Europe.

Although his primary focus has been on transformative learning, Taylor’s international collaborations and his application of transformative learning to fields such as medicine, engineering, and farmer education have made a lasting impact on adult education and beyond. Before joining Penn State, he was a faculty member at Antioch University in Seattle (1993-99) and earned his Doctor of Education in adult education from the University of Georgia.