For the past 11 years, David Stewart has served as Director of Program Development, the Center for Adult Learning and Educational Credentials at the American Council on Education. He also serves as a consultant in adult and higher education where his principal activities are as a columnist and author, university instructor, policy analyst, workshop leader, and public speaker. He served as a member of the Planning Committee for the First World Conference on Lifelong Learning held in Rome in 1994. As President of the Coalition of Adult Education Organizations (CAEO) in 1988-1989, he helped organize the New Sweden '88 Adult Education Conference in celebration of 350 years of Swedish settlement in America. As President of CAEO, he also organized an exchange visit of Soviet adult educators to the United States under an agreement concluded with Znanie, the official Soviet adult education agency.
He is widely published and the recipient of the Imogene Okes Award for Outstanding Research in Adult Education in 1987 and the Philip Frandson Award for Literature in 1988. He is the principal author of the "Bill of Rights for the Adult Learner" and "Guidelines for Developing and Implementing a Code of Ethics for Adult Educators."
Past Chair
Executive Director of the Hall of Fame