Huey Long has published more than 600 articles, books, and chapters on a wide range of adult and continuing education topics. He has maintained a career-long interest in issues concerning adult learning, particularly self-directed learning. He received the Houle International Literature Award in 1984 for his book Adult Learning: Research and Practice. He initiated and has maintained the International Self-Directed Learning Symposium since 1986. The annual symposium stimulated worldwide research in self-directed learning.
He has made significant contributions to the development of three major university adult education programs at Florida State, University of Georgia, and the University of Oklahoma. He directed two important research centers associated with Florida State University and The University of Oklahoma. He was the founding Associate Director and later Director of the Florida State University Urban Research Center. He also founded and directed the Oklahoma Research Center for Continuing Professional and Higher Education.
He has also made important professional contributions through leadership in international adult and continuing education in Austria, Canada, China, England, Korea, Germany, and Sweden and served as the North American Representative and Board member for the International Council for Adult Education from 1975-1981.
Executive Director of the Hall of Fame