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2025 Officers and Directors

Lloyd Davis

Lloyd Davis

Hall of Fame Class of 1996

The adult and continuing education career of Lloyd Davis spanned a forty-year period until his retirement in 1982. From 1963 to 1970, he was Administrator of the USDA Extension Service. He made special contributions to the development of nutrition education programs, education to facilitate rural development, expanded youth programs, the adjustment of educational services to serve a rapidly changing agricultural industry, and the elimination of racial discrimination in Extension programs. 

During the Viet Nam War, at the request of President Johnson, he and his staff organized and directed a corps of Agricultural Agents who served side by side with native personnel to help rural people in Viet Nam apply modern agricultural knowledge.

In 1975, he served as Executive Director of the National Advisory Council on Continuing Education that established The Higher Education Act and from 1975 to 1980, was Executive Director of the National University Continuing Education Association. As Executive Director of the Adult Education Association of the USDA during 1981 and 1982, he and his staff provided information, advice, leadership, and staff support to members of A.E.A. and N.A.P.C.A.E. in the planning process that resulted in the formation of the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education.

Board Members

Honorary Lifetime Members