Influenced greatly by his father who was a County Extension Agent for 30 years, Richard Fowler's career in adult and continuing education began as an Assistant Professor and Extension Livestock Specialist at the University of Delaware where he helped start the University's Swine Research Unit. He later became the Assistant Director of Extension with responsibility for agricultural programs. From 1984, until he retired on July 1, 1996, he served as Director of Cooperative Extension for the University of Delaware.
During his career, he focused on the educational needs of the formal and non-formal student. Twice he was selected by students as the Outstanding Teacher in the College of Agricultural Sciences. He helped professionals move into the use of electronic technology to access data bases, provide fast communications, and to improve the development, updating, and distribution of educational publications.
For him, one of the most rewarding aspects of adult education through outreach programs has been the development of Master Volunteers in the areas of gardening and food safety. These highly trained and motivated groups have served as excellent conduits for extending knowledge beyond its traditional boundaries. The development and maintenance of this cadre of volunteers have extended educational programs immeasurably.
Executive Director of the Hall of Fame