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2025 Officers and Directors

Stanley C. Robinson

Stanley C. Robinson

Hall of Fame Class of 1997

Born and reared in the timbered, rural part of southwest Missouri, Stanley Robinson obtained his elementary education in a one-room rural school. During his fourth year in high school he enrolled in a normal school (two-year) teacher training course. Following graduation, he was considered to be qualified to teach all of the elementary grades. After the close of his second term, he entered the State Teachers College in Springfield where he earned a B. S. degree. He then earned a M.S. degree at the University of Iowa. As a U.S. Naval Reserve officer, he went around the world twice, serving in the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans. He completed the requirements for the doctoral degree in business education at New York University in 1948 and accepted a full time position in the division of University Extension at the University of Illinois.

Dr. Robinson is the recipient of the Julius M. Nolte Award, which was the National University Extension Association (now the University Continuing Education Association) confers upon distinguished professionals who have demonstrated exceptional leadership and service to the field of adult and continuing education. Several national periodicals have published his articles on continuing education and business education.

His major contributions include leadership in originating, planning, and testing ideas to meet prevailing but unappreciated needs for new types of educational programs. During his 18-month NUEA presidential term he demonstrated extraordinary and effective skills in reorganizing the administrative council and division structure and in producing the first NUEA handbook. He was the NUEA representative to the American Council on Education for five years. During a three- year period in the late 1960s and early 1970s, he served as a consultant to the U.S. Office of Education on Pragmatic Education in the Community. Dr. Robinson has demonstrated effectiveness of interrogation in stimulating human behavior in the direction of new desirable cooperative achievements.

Board Members

Honorary Lifetime Members